Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Bump ~ 17 Weeks

This morning we packed our two cars full with our bikes and Evelyn's trailer and we made the trip down to the Wakehurst Parkway so that we could unpack our bikes and ride around to Narrabeen and take our 17 week photos. However, when we unpacked the car and sat up on our bikes and posed for the first photo we noticed that the camera would not capture the image. Before long we realised, the memory card is at home sitting in the laptop from last week. After a moment of disappointment and "we just won't do them this week" we began our bike ride anyhow are we able to capture some images on the iPhone. These photo's, at Narrabeen Lakes, were the ones I was most looking forward to.

On Monday morning I woke up and I took very cautious steps out of bed and into the shower expecting to be struck by the awful pain of my migraine and to my very welcomed surprise, the throb never came. I spent the day able to do as I pleased and be a present Mother to Evelyn. We were able to enjoy our day and each other, I was able to enjoy the pregnancy once more. We spent the day appreciating the day and were fearful that it would be a one off. But, from that day onwards, life has resumed as normal.

It has been so lovely to be able to take the week slowly, to be able to walk without pain and to be able to enjoy all that this pregnancy has to offer. Jelly Baby is growing perfectly and in turn my tummy is ever expanding. I am now no longer mistaken for carrying weight, but appreciated for all my pregnancy glory. I am feeling full, full of baby and full of joy.

Anthony and I are yet to decide if we would like to learn of Jelly Babies gender or if we would like it to remain a mystery. Anthony will do whatever it is that I would like but I am unable to come to a decision. My heart feels set on knowing but keeping the news between our family only. We are also yet to truly sit down and talk names. There is one name that I have been trying to whisper into Anthony's ear. A name that I truly love and that I have had kept safely within my heart from the moment Goodness became Evelyn. I will continue to speak that name in the hope that he will love it as much as I. 

Jelly, this week has been a quiet week and has given me the time to place my hands next to you and really cherish these moments we share. These moments that are only between you and me. You give me great happiness and huge hope and many dreams. I cannot wait to bring you into our family so that these moments can become all of ours.

Its you and me babe, our moments together to be forever ours.


  1. You look absolutely beautiful Jess, I am so glad you are enjoying your pregnancy. For some reason I only enjoy pregnancy once it's over. If I find myself with baby again I am going to try very hard to enjoy every moment.

    1. Thank You lovely

      When I was pregnant with Evelyn I absolutely hated the entire experience (except for the having a baby placed on my chest thing) so I vowed to make sure that I take every moment to sit back and enjoy this time. It really is such a special time :)

  2. Glad that the migraines haven't returned and that you are feeling the joy of pregnancy!
    I loved being pregnant and I do hope that I get to experience it long as it is the same easy, wonderful sort of pregnancy!

    1. I feel like a new woman!
      Do you have plans to have another baby? I would keep going until I couldnt go again I think. Those newborn squishy cheeks are just to die for!
