Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Bump ~ 25 Weeks

This last week has felt like two weeks in one, time has really moved by so very slowly. All through the week I was being prepared for a heat wave that was due to hit on the very day we were to set up for our very first camping trip and I was stressed to say the very least! The idea of being 25 weeks pregnant with a toddler in 42 degree heat and in a tent, was not at ALL appealing. So my emotions and stress levels were running at all time high.

My mind was completely full of 'how on earth am I going to survive this' that I just did not have the time to focus on anything other. We went along to the camping trip and all in all, it was relatively successful. But that is a story for another time.

We decided to come home a day early and spend our last day together at our local beach and enjoy the beautiful day that we were delivered. There was not a wave in the ocean and barely a cloud in the sky and we were all just so happy to be home and together.

As I lay on the beach watching Anthony and Evelyn building sandcastles together, Jelly gave me a great reminder that they are with us and already a part of our family. Baby started moving and kicking my tummy so hard that we all stopped to watched. It was such a beautiful moment to be able to share with my family. Surrounded by the beauty of our home and the love of our family, our baby to be showed us that they are already an integral part to our family.

With my birthday coming up at the end of the week and Christmas just around the corner I am so truly excited to be in the place that I am in with the people I am with. My family are my all. They give me all the love and happiness that my dreams are made of and I am just so very proud that we have created us.

Jelly we all love you already and cant wait until you are more than a movement within my tummy. Only 15 weeks to go... I cannot believe it!

Its you and me babe, in time we will be building sandcastles together too


  1. Love your words Jess. That love you feel will only get stronger and more amazing when you become a family of four xx

    1. Thank you Elisa! I cannot even begin to imagine how I am going to feel once baby is here!
      I am so very excited

  2. Oh I love these photos and your words and so beautiful x

    1. Thank you Julia! I was a little cautious of allowing photos in a bikini but the landscape is to die for! xx
