Sunday, 19 January 2014

Boo Boo ~ 17 weeks

We found out that we were pregnant with this small bundle of miracle when I was nearly 10 weeks along. Having a third child was in our future, it was in our discussions and it was in our reach but it was not in our immediate plans. But life had another idea for us and our little family, life decided that we wouldn't be complete until this baby was with us. 

I will admit that on that first day I was completely shocked and doubted my readiness and my ability to be a Mother to another baby. But now, 17 weeks in, I know that this is what I was made to do. Other wise, this baby wouldn't be making its way here to us. I am beyond thrilled to be carrying another child, a child that is warming me from the inside, out. I feel content, blessed and incredibly happy.  

Pregnancy so far has been gentle and kind. I am suffering from the same migraines that I had while carrying Zalia, but I feel more capable. I feel strong and healthy. Mostly, I don't feel pregnant at all, I just feel... blissful.

Baby BooBoo is beginning to flutter within my tummy, just small, slight movements. Kicks that are feeling like bubbles popping, popcorn popping. My favourite feeling, the very early signs of life. The beginning of an incredible life, one that I have the blessing to carry along with me and finally bring earth side. It truly is the most magnificent gift, given to me, to give to Anthony and my girls. 

In just two short weeks we will be thrilled to find out the colour of this bundle, where we can begin to prepare, to bond the girls, to dream of a future of fairy princesses and sparkle lips or grubby knees and capturing bugs. 

Being pregnant is a miracle, one that has been delivered to us while we were least expecting it. We are proud of our family, we are ecstatic to grow and we are full of love and joy. 

17 weeks... Only 23 to go!

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