Monday, 8 December 2014

What is anxiety?

It is waking up without tolerance. 
It is anger without a reason.
Its being lonely, surrounded by people.
It is fear without boundaries.

Its doubting your friendships and connections.

It is questioning the unanswerable, answering the unquestionable. 
It is living without living.
It is breathing without peace.

It is sleeping away the days.

It is laying wakeful at night.
It is believing you are unworthy.
It is punishing yourself with criticisms and guilt.

It is in the middle of the night,

or random throughout the days.
It is a pain in the chest and stomach,
constricting, panicking and exhausting

It is worry and nervousness.

It is isolation.
It is misunderstood and inexplainable.
It is not your friend.

It is a lack of self belief.

It is a missing piece.
It is a constant battle.
It is always with me.

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